COUGAR 600M Gaming Mouse Review
Posted on 2014-12-05 12:39:00 by Thomas De MaesschalckDescription: Just like most things related to PC systems (and not only) gaming peripherals are getting more advanced and innovative each day that goes by so currently we have numerous gaming keyboards, headsets and mice aimed at serious gamers and professionals alike that not only come with superior performance thanks to blazing fast laser, optical and LED sensors but also an abundance of features (some very useful while others not so much). Manufacturers don't stop there however so aside performance and features many models follow really strange and sometimes ergonomic design lines to separate them from the rest of the crowd. However not every gamer out there seeks to get advanced gaming peripherals and this may surprise some people but many times the reason behind that has nothing to do with the cost of such devices but rather with simplicity. A few months back COUGAR announced their gaming line from which so far we've looked at the 700M Gaming Mouse which as many of you know at the end of the day left us with a very good overall opinion. Well today we'll be taking a thorough look at its cousin the 600M Gaming Mouse.
Link: NikKTech
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