Noontec Zoro II HD Fashion Hi-Fi Headphones Review
Posted on 2014-12-08 10:05:42 by Thomas De MaesschalckDescription: When people hear the word headphones their mind immediately thinks of well-known and established manufacturers such as Sennheiser, AKG, B&W, JBL and Koss. This is of course the natural response any person would have (especially since at first we too would think of those names) but that certainly doesn't mean that these manufacturers are the only ones capable of releasing high quality products with very good or even excellent audio reproduction. As a matter of fact the best headphones I’ve used to date were manufactured by Ultrasone a name which although very familiar to audiophiles around the world it's not as popular as the ones we mentioned. Noontec may not aspire to design and manufacture the best headphones money can buy but they do offer models with very good audio reproduction at extremely affordable prices and the brand new Zorro II HD Fashion Hi-Fi Headphones aim to take things a step further.
Link: NikKTech
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