Antec ISK-600M Micro-ATX Chassis Review
Posted on 2014-12-11 18:07:31 by Thomas De MaesschalckIt has been many months since we first reviewed the Antec ISK-600 mini-ITX chassis. I absolutely loved the case as it offered a great range of features for a very affordable price tag; which is why it won our eTeknix Bang for Buck award. Now we are back once again with a review of the latest entry in the Antec range, their bigger and hopefully even better ISK-600 Micro-ATX chassis. Many of the features of the new ISK-600 are similar to the previous model, with the most notable difference being that this new one is slightly larger to accommodate larger motherboards. The previous model was mini-ITX compatible, while the new one can support up to Micro-ATX. Of course, this small increase in chassis size can make a huge difference, as it can free up more room for longer and multiple graphics cards, extra hard drives and more.
Link: eTeknix
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