The Crew Review
Posted on 2014-12-17 10:46:48 by Thomas De MaesschalckQuote: "Should we buckle up and go for a ride in The Crew, or let this one drive by? Personally I did enjoy the game, so yes, I would recommend playing it. I am not sure if it is quite worth its full retail price though. It is a fun game and if you have an itch for a racing game, but not necessarily one limited to racetracks, this is a game to consider. The graphics are not the best, but considering how much there is to the game world, and the importance of strong, solid performance, this is forgivable. The story is nothing much to talk about as all it does is connect the various campaign missions, and nothing more. The gameplay has some issues, but is largely solid and fun. Those issues can also be avoided fairly comfortably.”
Link: OCC
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