Func MS-2 Optical Gaming Mouse Review
Posted on 2014-12-30 15:15:21 by Thomas De MaesschalckIt’s been almost a year since we reviewed the Func HS-260 gaming headset, which I absolutely loved. The headset offered nice build quality and fantastic sound despite its modest price tag. I actually used it as my personal headset for quite a while too. With that in mind, I’ve been eager to get my hands on another Func product ever since, and today I can literally do that as I review their new MS-2 optical gaming mouse. There are a lot of great gaming mice on the market these days, so much so that it almost seems like madness that another company would try find a space in such a fiercely competitive market. As with any new brand, Func are going to have to offer something unique that helps them stand out from the crowd. The MS-2 is also going to have to perform well to stand a chance and I’m hoping to see a similar mixture of performance, build quality and a competitive price; like I saw on the HS-260 headset.
Link: eTeknix
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