ASUS STRIX GAMING GTX 1080 Graphics Card Review
Posted on 2016-07-08 10:51:01 by Thomas De MaesschalckASUS’ STRIX division has been a mark of quality since its formation and provides exceptional reliability. Not only that, the range is characterised by products featuring a stylish, premium design which consumers can rely on. In particular, STRIX graphics cards utilise impressive power circuitry and arrive with a hefty factory overclock. The GTX 1080 is already a resounding success and demand often outweighs current supply levels. There’s a huge number of custom models available today vying for your hard earned cash and it can be difficult for users distinguish between each unit. Often, people select a graphics card based on a combination of factors including aesthetics, warranty length, cooling proficiency and the aforementioned factory overclocks.
Link: eTeknix
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