Radeon RX 480 Compatibility Mode Benchmarks in Crimson 16.7.1 Review
Posted on 2016-07-08 18:30:34 by Thomas De MaesschalckOvernight we took a closer look at the new Crimson 16.7.1 video card driver that AMD released as it contains a number of fixes and improvements for the Radeon RX 480 graphics card. These drives improve the Radeon RX 480 video cards power distribution by lowering the current drawn from the PCIe bus and increasing the power drawn by the 6-pin PCIe connector to the systems power supply. There is also a new UI toggle under the Global Settings in the Radeon Software app that allows you to reduce the total power of the card, but it comes off by default. We ran some benchmarks to see how the fixes impacted performance!
Link: Legit Reviews
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