ASUS STRIX GAMING GTX 1070 OC Graphics Card Review
Posted on 2016-08-13 14:18:57 by Thomas De MaesschalckAftermarket GTX 1070 models typically start around the £380 mark which is a substantial saving compared to the GTX 1080. Unfortunately, NVIDIA’s premium solutions remain extremely expensive and recent price rises in the UK haven’t helped matters. As a result, many enthusiasts are unable to afford the GTX 1080 and even if they can, struggle to justify a £600+ investment. This is especially the case when rumours circulate regarding the GTX 1080Ti being prepared and the possible performance gains. Saying that, it’s highly unlikely NVIDIA will unveil a faster graphics card within a similar price bracket judging by the Titan X’s recent launch. Evidently, the GTX 1070 is a more sensible option unless you’re using a 4K display.
Link: eTeknix
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