Corsair Dominator Platinum 3200MHz DDR4 64GB Review
Posted on 2016-08-16 09:33:50 by Thomas De Maesschalck”If I break it down, you get a set of modules that have been through an extensive binning process that hand selects the memory ICs being used on these modules. There is a custom designed, cooling optimized PCB that those memory IC's are mounted to so that we can enjoy a trouble free user experience. The DHX cooling solution on these modules is easily up to the task of keeping the modules cool with minimal airflow. The heat spreader and DHX cooling fins are designed to use convective cooling in the absence of any airflow over the modules. In most cases there will be some airflow, be it from the chassis cooling fans or the CPU heat sink fans. With a fan blowing over the modules they never got warm to the touch, even with an applied 1.45v to stretch the cooling capabilities. A bit of airflow from a chassis fan directed over the modules does the trick. Ultimately the cooling capacity of the modules can improve the overclocking potential of the modules.”
Link: OCC
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