Custom GeForce GTX 1080 Round Up With ASUS, EVGA, And Gigabyte Review
Posted on 2016-08-26 18:40:22 by Thomas De MaesschalckNVIDIA hit a lot of high notes with the Pascal-based GeForce GTX 1080. When the Founder’s Edition launched earlier this summer, it received accolades for its excellent performance, power efficiency, and host of new features. If you’d like a refresher on what’s new in NVIDIA’s Pascal architecture and see what makes the GeForce GTX 1080 Founder’s Edition tick, we’d strongly suggest checking our launch coverage. We’ve got the full scoop laid out for you there. As HOT as the GeForce GTX 1080 Founder’s Edition is, we were eager to see what NVIDIA’s board partners would do with the GTX 1080. The GP104 GPU that is the foundation of the GTX 1080 isn’t particularly power hungry, it doesn’t generate a ton of heat, and it proved to be an excellent overclocker. Those three things give NVIDIA’s partners a lot to work with in terms of custom cooling, power budgets, and factory overclocks. To that end, we reached out to a handful of NVIDIA’s key board partners so that we could evaluate a few custom GeForce GTX 1080 cards, round-up style. A few partners weren’t up for the challenge, but EVGA, Gigabyte, and ASUS came through...
Link: Hothardware
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