Elgato Wave:3 Microphone Review
Posted on 2020-06-18 15:16:15 by Thomas De Maesschalck"It has been a while since we took a look at a dedicated microphone here at ThinkComputers, but today we are back with a new product from Elgato that was designed with content creators in mind. Elgato, if you weren’t aware, was purchased by Corsair in 2018, adding a ton of great streaming and content creating hardware to Corsair’s already expansive product offerings. And while Elgato has continued to release streaming-related hardware since the purchase, we had yet to see a microphone from them. That ends today. With the release of the Wave:3 microphone, Elgato further solidifies their position in the content creation realm. Now Elgato didn’t just design this microphone on their own, though we believe they would be fully capable of this feat. Instead, they worked with established audio gear company LEWITT to help bring their first microphone to life. Follow along as we take a look at the Elgato Wave:3 and the Wave Link digital mixer application."
Link: ThinkComputers
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