Executor 0.99 beta

Posted on Monday, May 25 2009 @ 22:01 CEST by

This is a multi purpose launcher and a more advanced and customizable version of windows run. The program originated as I was sick of spending too much time searching for programs through my ever growing windows start-menu, and also I missed a tool that could ease and optimize my daily work flow. There was of course already programs like this available, but each had it's annoyance or missing features or too(!) geeky.

  • Added when pressing enter in the input and current input is not recognized as something to execute, then the first item in the list will be executed. This only applies if list/drop-down is visible or set to auto-open (so those who have set an open delay on list can still press enter at once).
  • Added new "Auto open delay" setting for found in settings under "Drop down / list". Default value is 0 (instant). Handy for slower computers or if you type faster than your computer can manage....
  • Added new option "Search type" to "Drop down / list". This can be "Words starts with (default)" or "Contains text (same as ctrl+r)". Will probably add a "Suggestions only" option later.
  • Added new typing "Short form" typing assistance.
  • Added new key CTRL+E. This will list the folder/items of what is current typed in the input box (a keyword, environment variable, index/scanned item), and you can also press ctrl+e on highlighted item in the list. Try type mycomp (if you still have that default keyword) and press ctrl+e. Also try type my then go in the list highlight my computer (if you have scanned items) and press ctrl+e. Regarding keywords Executor tries to figure out what part of the keyword (command, parameter) should be used for listing.
  • Added a hotkey CTRL+D and right-click context menu item called "Open folder of item". It will in windows, open the folder of the current item.
  • Added index setting "Build cache file (for quick start)". This applies to indexed items. When closing Executor all indexed items are saved to a file, and when Executor is started this is loaded and used before new index scan is complete. If using Executor on a usb-drive between different computers this setting should probably not be used.
  • Added new setting to import a keyword file from internet on startup. By this you can share keywords on different Executor installations (provided they have internet access and you have somewhere to host this keyword file). Setting can be found in settings - misc (along with a test button). This will be loaded async when Executor starts up (to prevent hanging if no internet is available) so it might take some seconds for the keywords to be available. Also these imported keywords will overwrite (update) any existing keywords of the same name.
  • Added that font script can now be set to something else than "western" like cyrillic, hebrew etc. (See settings/"Visual / skin" / Font button). The list / drop-down will also inherit this.
  • Added a "Import keywords from url". In the keyword editor (right-click keyword list for context-menu). This will present the usual list where you can toggle which keywords to import from the url etc. You can try it out with this url that contains one keyword called "forum" that will open Executors forum maximized. Test url: http://home25.inet.tele.dk/mb/executor/test.exc you can also use this url to test the auto import feature mentioned above.
  • Added a new item to the right-click context menu called "Copy full path of input" (can also press F8). It will copy the full path of the item in the input box (indexed item or keyword). For keywords it will just copy the command part of the keyword.
  • Added default keyword refreshindex. This will rebuild the index. If will write number of index items when finished if input is not changed meanwhile.
  • Added new setting to toggle if global hotkey will also hide Executor if Executor already has focus and pressing hotkey. This can be found in settings/general called "Hotkey will also hides when focus" (located just beneath where you set the global hotkey).
  • Added default keyword "listgroups".
  • Added default keyword textclean. This will remove any formatting to the current text in clipboard. Example you want to copy text from a web-page and paste it into a mail, but don't want the formatting (font-size, color etc) of the web-page to be pasted as well. Then first copy text from web-page, then launch the keyword textclean, and then paste the (now clean) text into the mail. If you want a hotkey to do all this see $TEXTCLEANPASTE$ info below.
  • Added calculator will show result preview when typing (in title/description).
  • Added icon be resolved when using relative paths.
  • Added another option to Suggestions to "Only list suggestions in list". For people that want suggestions in list but not in input field. For example those that like "Contains text" search, and also have suggestions enabled, might prefer to have it launch the first item in list (pressing enter) instead of launching some suggested item matching the "contains" criteria you typed.
  • Added that pressing tab (or ctrl+tab if input setting "Switch tab behavior" isn't enabled) will expand the file path of the indexed item in the input field, or in case the indexed item doesn't have a file path (like control panel folders "Printers and faxes", "Administrative tool") it will expand it in the list.
  • Added order of "Suggestions" in list will be at same position as "Indexed item". Replacing indexed items if "always add short form detection" is enabled, and if disabled placed just before "Indexed items".
  • Added more stop delimiter characters when using ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow to navigate input.
  • Added background indexing reserves a little less cpu when scanning in background lower priority thread.
  • Added "Programs" to auto-completion. So none history scanned/indexed items can be suggested in the text input when typing. Off by default, can be enabled in "Settings"/"Input, wording & auto completion"/"Auto-complete and order".
  • Added option to "Additional typing assistance" to always add short detection items to list and replace indexed items (if any). If not checked short detection items will only be added when no other items are found.
  • Added simple alarm, stopwatch and timer functionality (can be imported from standard.exc). These will probably not expand much further as there are a lot of good software for this. It's just meant as a quick and simple help, if for example you're on a foreign computer and in need of one of these functions. These are not saved when closing Executor.
  • Added Stopwatch keyword. Parameters "start, stop" and no parameters will start (if not started) or show stopwatch time (if started).
  • Added Timer keyword. Parameters "h:m:s or h:m or m, stop". If no parameters timer will display time left or syntax if not started. timer example: timer 10 (will make a timer with 10 minute countdown), Another example: timer 1:20:30 (will make a timer with countdown of 1hour 20min and 30sec). An optional timer text can be made as a last space separated parameter. Example: timer 10 break is over.
  • Added Alarm keyword. Parameters "h:m or h, stop". If no parameters alarm will show when the alarm is due, or syntax if not started. Alarm example: alarm 23:00 (will set an alarm for 23:00 same day, unless the current time is later than 23:00 then it will be the following day). Also supports am/pm. Another example: alarm 11pm. An optional alarm text can be made as a last space separated parameter. Example: alarm 22:00 time to go home.
  • Added an alarm/timer sound can be set under Settings / Sound.
  • Added "Clear last input" will not clear calculations.
  • Added in apps list pressing "shift-del" will now kill process while pressing "del" will close the process. It's really recommended to try close the process (del key) first as killing it might terminate it while it's writing data etc.
  • Added if list set to be hidden when no content, fixed commands like time, ip, next, prev will hide list after being executed.
  • Added option for keywords to open "Hidden". Will probably not work with all programs as some programs force show/focus when they open.
  • Added keywords that still have the default name "new..." will be removed.
  • Added when using ctrl+tab (or tab if setting switch tab behavior enabled) to move delimiter, it now also stops at spaces placed before any slashes or backslashes.
  • Added ctrl+s, ctrl+k and ctrl+alt+k works when focus is on the list.
  • Added setting (under general) to have Executor "hide from Alt-Tab".
  • Added setting (under indexing) "Don't add to history". If enabled no scanned items will be added to history.
  • Added when auto hide behavior is disabled and pressing esc (if no input) or double esc, Executor will focus the previous active window.
  • Added pressing "del" key in application list will try to close application (same as right-clicking it and selecting "Close").
  • Added keyword editor can now also be sorted by command,comment,parameter.
  • Added the two hidden settings "clipboard sniffing" and "enter will launch first item in list if input don't make sense" to the settings listed under "Misc".
  • Added hidden setting "importurlfast" if this is set to 1 then Executor will import keywords from internet immediately (sync and not default async). The risk is that Executor might hang up to 60sec if there's trouble reaching the specified import url.
  • Added hidden setting "clipautopaste" (found in executor.ini). If enabled (clipautopaste=1) this will also paste to the current window when selecting a clipboard item in Executor. Disabled be default.
  • Added hidden setting (in executor.ini) named refreshindex. When executor has been idle it checks how long it has been idle when brought back to focus, normally if it has been idle for longer than two minutes it will refresh index (unless set to only refresh at startup, or indexing is disabled). with refreshindex setting you can set something else than the default 2 minutes. refreshindex does not support decimals.
  • Added hidden setting (in executor.ini) named defaultenter, setting this to 0 will disable the feature that pressing enter when nothing has been auto-completed/suggested in the text input will launch first item in list.
  • Added new tag $GRABTOINPUT$, if added to a keywords command this will grab the output and write it in Executors input. This requires that the command is a console application that outputs some text (like for example ipconfig.exe).
  • Added new tag $GRABTOLIST$, works like $GRABTOINPUT$ but will instead display the text and set focus in the list (multi-lined text). To dismiss the text from the list press esc (while the text has focus). Example try make a keyword with command c:windowssystem32ipconfig.exe$GRABTOLIST$
  • Added new tag $GRABTOLISTNOFOCUS$ works likes $GRABTOLIST$ will display the result text in the list, but will maintain focus on input field.
  • Added a new special command $CLR$ for keywords. If the keywords command or parameter field contains $CLR$ it will clear the input in Executor after the keyword is launched. This can be handy if you for example launch a keyword that has sensitive information. For example a password as parameter, and you don't want this to be visible the next time Executor gains focus (if you want to clear input for everything there is already a setting for this).
  • Added a new tag $TEXTCLEAN$. This will strip any formatting etc from current text in clipboard (if any).
  • Added a new tag $TEXTCLEANPASTE$. This is only for hotkey fans, that can make a keyword with this tag and assign it a hotkey. This will both clean text like $TEXTCLEAN$, and will also paste the text.
  • Added new tag $REFRESHINDEX$ it will force index to be rebuild.
  • Added index setting to include hidden folders (enabled by default). Previously hidden folders would not get scanned.
  • Added settings to display full path for scanned items in main window and/or list. Settings found under "Indexing, scanning & cache".
  • Added if an additional scan path has an empty extension, it acts as a wildcard and add everything.
  • Added tag $GROUPS$, creating a keyword with $GROUPS$ will list all groups when typing/launching the keyword. From the list you can then select a group and the group will be displayed. Ctrl+e in list/drop-down also works for groups (like selecting).
  • Added the tag $WADJUST$ it takes four parameters width,height,left,top. This can resize and/or move a window by a specific amount of pixels. Example adjust 10,0,0,0 will make the window 10 pixels wider. Another example adjust 0,0,0,-10 will move the window 10 pixels up. Also added a default keyword called adjust that can be imported from "windowkeywords.exc" file.
  • Added values listfontname, listfontsize, listrowheight, dropdownfontname, dropdownfontsize, failcolor, titlefontsize can be set in skinfiles now.
  • Added two command-line parameters -safemode (will start Executor in safemode, see help for more details) and -wizard (will force Executor to startup with setup wizard.
  • Improved when moving alpha skinned Executor, the window should move more fluent and take up less cpu while moving.
  • Improved "Don't try to resolve network paths" to be able to detect more.
  • Improved icon load speed.
  • Improved "Indexed items" in input auto completion. Will now suggest the closest match first. It's also recommended that if you have indexed items enabled for auto-completion (Settings / "Input, wording & auto-completion") to move it above history.
  • Improved "Wizard". After selecting skin it will display some dialogs to try and pinpoint user type (normal user, power user etc). This is to have good start settings, so forum/my mail won't get cluttered too much, and will hopefully give the user a better start experience.
  • Improved Executor window is now better at getting focus when pressing hotkey (for example open pop-up menus in the taskbar could deny focus, like active program button groups).
  • Improved the "write to disk" routine. Should be about much faster, and use less resources than the standard component that was used before.
  • Improved behavior of "only one instance running" keywords when an instance is running and triggering keyword again (often nothing would appear).
  • Improved when typing something and auto completion suggests a text that doesn't fit the input field, the input field will be scrolled to the right. Now if continuing typing the suggested text might change to something that does fit the input field, but the visual area of the input field is still scrolled to the right. This will now be detected and visual area will be scrolled back to start of input.
  • Improved some behavior when opening windows that are minimized.
  • Changed clipboard list is now sorted so latest items will be in top of the list.
  • Renamed "Programs" to "Indexed items" and most "scan" terms to "index" to simplify terms a bit.
  • Fixed some issues with indexing and a minor memory leak.
  • Fixed an issue with multiple commands on command-line.
  • Fixed a hotkey bug that could affect certain hotkeys (if you had problems with hotkeyed $CE$ you might wanna try again).
  • Fixed an issue with users that have switched mouse button behavior (left-handed setup etc.) couldn't move skinned window (was alpha skins only).
  • Fixed a memory leak and possible access violation.
  • Fixed some rare error dialogs that could popup when scanning.
  • Fixed a bug with list skin not always being stretched correctly.
  • Fixed a GDI object leak when using alphaskins. Specially annoying if infoenabled was enabled with alphaskin.
  • Fixed a bug that could rarely occur when having Executor running on windows startup.
  • Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances launching an item could cause a access violation.
  • Fixed annoying bug that under certain circumstances would prevent indexed items from being shown in auto-completion.
  • Fixed expected behavior when assigning time or ip to a hotkey.
  • Fixed that under certain conditions, Windows could pop-up a "No media inserted drive" dialog when scanning, or listing certain history items.
  • Fixed a bug that after using keyword editor groups wouldn't execute properly.
  • Fixed so shell: commands with space works.
  • Fixed an issue with clipboard handling.
  • Fixed having defined an optional browser, it's home folder will be set when an url is Executed (Opera for example seem to require this).
  • Fixed clipboard list won't trim and remove linefeed when selecting an item. Also linefeed will be displayed as {BR} in the clipboard list.
  • Fixed that when option "Stay on top" is enabled, the Executor window could stay on top of the settings window or keyword editor window.
  • Fixed that listing apps can freeze if a listed app is hanging.
  • Fixed that scanned/indexed items that are not shortcuts (.lnk) will have their own folder set as working folder when executed.
  • Fixed a bug with "Open keyword editor maximized" and when it was maximized and restored.
  • Fixed issue with show info on focus keep reappearing when using arrow keys etc to navigate input field content.
  • Fixed a system tray icon issue when using the option "Display window frame" and skins using this option.
  • Fixed a bug with list not showing additional scan paths when disabling scanning of start-menu and control panel items.
  • Fixed spelling of ?hibernate default keyword.

Program Information

Tools and Utilities

0.99 beta
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Product page: here

Download: Executor 0.99 beta

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