ASAP Utilities 4.5.3

Posted on Thursday, June 25 2009 @ 22:05 CEST by

ASAP Utilities is a powerful Excel software add-in that fills the gaps in Excel, and automates frequently used tasks. Since 1999 it has grown to become probably one of the world's most popular add-ins for MS Excel.

New features

* Excel 2010 (former Excel 14)
Although the technical pre-release of Office 2010 (14) is not officially available yet, we have received several questions from people already testing the version of Excel 2010 that was leaked on the Internet.
ASAP Utilities will now be automatically added to the menu of Excel 2010 during the setup. Furthermore ASAP Utilities has been globally tested in the technical preview of Excel 2010 (32 bit) and everything seems to work correct after a few adjustments. As far as we were able to test, the current 64 bit (leaked) version of Excel doesn't support add-ins yet.
* Text » Advanced character remove or replace...
You can now use the following codes as replacement values:
{lf} = line feed (alt+enter/ascii code 10)
{cr} = carriage return (ASCII code 13)
{tab} = tab character.
* Objects & Comments » Delete all objects in selected worksheets
Improved speed.
* Web » Clean information that is copied from websites...
Improved the speed of the "removing objects/images" part.
* Select » Select cells based on content, formatting and more...
Two new select options were added. You can now use it to select merged cells or unmerged cells.
* Numbers » Change not recognized numbers (text?) to numbers
Numbers that have surrounding internet spaces (character 160) will now be changed to actual numbers too so that Excel recognizes them correctly in your calculations.

Bugs fixed

* Export » Export selection or active sheet as new file...
If you had hidden rows in an (auto) filter and you choose the option to not export the hidden cells, the utility didn't correctly create the export and too few cells where included in the export. This is now fixed.
* Export » Export selection as HTML table to clipboard...
If you choose the option "Detect column width" it produced an incorrect width for merged cells. Instead of the width of the merged cells, it used the width of only the first cell. This is now fixed.
* Sheets » Create an index page with links to all sheets (clickable)...
The links didn't work for sheets that had a single quote in their name. For example if you had a sheetname such as [Sales '09-'10] and then clicked on the link in the index-sheet, you got the error "Reference is not valid." This is now fixed.
* Formula » Transpose data with formulas...
In Excel 2000 (only), the utility produced an error. This is now fixed.
* General
The undo didn't always work as expected when data in an autofilter was changed. This is now corrected.
* Sheets » Unprotect multiple sheets at once...
In Excel 2007 Service Pack 2 and in Excel 2010 you could get a popup form Excel asking you for the sheet's password. In the previous Excel versions we could suppress this dialog box and see if the protection was removed.
The way the utility worked was to first see if the sheet to be unprotected didn't have a password at all, and if that wasn't the case, we tried to unprotect it with the supplied password. We have now changed this so that ASAP Utilities will not try to unprotect the sheet without a password first.
However when you try to unprotect a sheet in the updated Excel versions, without supplying a password and that sheet is protected with a password, then Excel will show a popup asking for the password. In the updated Excel versions we haven't found a way to suppress that message like we were able to do in the previous Excel versions.
* Text » Delete number of leading characters...
The utility didn't work if the resulting length was more then 255 characters.
Furthermore you could get an error when the resulting length was more then 2000 characters. These bugs are now both fixed.
* Text » Delete number of ending characters...
The utility didn't work if the resulting length was more then 255 characters.
Furthermore you could get an error when the resulting length was more then 2000 characters. These bugs are now both fixed.
* Export » Export selection or active sheet as new file...
With the combination of "values" and "dBase" numbers with decimals would be rounded to integers. This is now fixed.
* Text » Delete leading and trailing spaces
If your selection contained a merged cell, you got an error: "Sorry, Something unexpected went wrong at Code Line 530: Cannot Change part of a merged cell.". This is now fixed.
* Text » Delete leading, trailing and excessive spaces
If your selection contained a merged cell, you got an error: "Sorry, Something unexpected went wrong at Code Line 530: Cannot Change part of a merged cell.". This is now fixed.
* Excel 2010 Protected View.
Excel 2010 (leaked technical preview) has a "Protected View" mode. When you open a file via outlook or from the internet it (can) start in "Protected View" and when you start Excel that way you get an error from ASAP Utilities: "Sorry, something unexpected went wrong at code line 1620".
This is now fixed by creating a workaround for this viewing mode in Excel 2010.
* Select » Print selection
Although the utility worked as expected, the start question showed the wrong question message. This is now corrected.
* Excel 2007 menu/ribbon
Fixed a bug which caused the Favorites menu to stay empty. This only happened if you added a tool to your favorites menu and the tool had a double quote (") in its name. This is now fixed.
* System » Reload all installed add-ins (rebuilds the menu)
In Excel 2007 this accidentally closed down the ASAP Utilities tab in the ribbon. This is now fixed.
* Fill » Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...
The utility will now warn you if a folder is protected and gives you the option to skip such a folder.
* Function: =ASAPGETFORMULA(cell)
Updated, the utility used to always show the formula in A1 notation. Now it will be displayed according to the settings in your workbook (A1 or R1C1).
* Function: =ASAPGETFORMULAINT(cell)
Updated, the utility used to always show the formula in A1 notation. Now it will be displayed according to the settings in your workbook (A1 or R1C1).
* General
A few small bug fixes.

Program Information

Tools and Utilities

Works on:

Product page: here

Download: ASAP Utilities 4.5.3

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