X-Setup Pro 9.0.100

Posted on Saturday, March 17 2007 @ 12:42 CET by

  • FIX: Setup program mixed up language code for file (e.g. .EN) with language code for application (e.g. "" = EN/Native)
  • FIX: The registry path displayed when an item is restored does now contain in all cases a '' between the root key (HKEY_...) and the path
  • ENGINE: GetBasePath() will now first check XSP is started from the in folder and check the registry as fallback
  • ENGINE: GetBasePath() will halt the current program if it can't find cfgsystem.cfg
  • SETTINGS: ItemsDir is now a non-configurable option
  • SETTINGS: ItemsTranslationDir is now a non-configurable option
  • SETTINGS: RestoreLogDir is now a non-configurable option
  • SETTINGS: RestoreLogDir is now splitted into RestoreLogDirSystem and RestoreLogDirUser which are saved into the Current User Profile path and All User Profile path. That way, if the user has a roaming profile, his restore log will move with him.
  • SETTINGS: LogFileDir is now a non-configurable option
  • SETTINGS: The Setting 'Automatic Updates: Show plugins/Show wizards' has been removed
  • SETTINGS: 'Automatic Update: User Site 1/2' has now been completly removed
  • SETTINGS: The setting BartPE Active has been renamed to PEEnv (PrE Boot Environment Active)
  • SETTINGS: 'Cache plug-ins' and 'Cache wizards' has been aggregated to 'Cache items'
  • SETTINGS: If the file cfgFlag_AuxiliaryHere.cfg is found, auxiliary files (e.g. the log file) will be saved directly to the data folder
  • SETTINGS: If the file cfgFlag_ConfigHere.cfg is found, the config files will be saved directly to the data folder
  • SETTINGS: If the file cfgFlag_RestoreLogHere.cfg is found, the restore log files will be saved directly to the data folder
  • CONFIG: The config program has all no longer configurable items removed
  • SETTINGS: Favorites will now be saved to a file in the same folder as settings.ini
  • SETTINGS: ExtProgramms will now be saved to a file in the same folder as settings.ini
  • SETTINGS: Window Locations does now also use the settings.dll library and saves the locations into the same folder as settings.ini
  • LOG FILE: The log file does now also contain the computer name on each "*** START" message
  • LICENSE: The License file will now be saved to the same folder as config
  • LICENSE: Reading the license number will now be executed using GlobalOptions which should speed up this operation a little bit
  • MISC: Updated all application manifest files to be better readable and also updated version tags
  • MISC: All application manifest files now include the requestedExecutionLevel tag required by Windows Vista
  • PLUGINS: All plugins have been checked by an external person for speellingii errors (thanks Jürgen!)
  • please note that none of these plugins have their version changed
  • SETTINGS: All COM GUIDs for the xqdcXSPSettings.dll type library have been changed
  • ENGINE: All COM GUIDs for the xqdcXSPEngine.dll type library have been changed
  • SETTINGS: Optimized the HKLM vs HKCU/Local file handling resulted in 400% less registry access
  • MISC: RegFreeCOM vLib has been created, allowing XSP to work without any local Registry information
  • SETUP: XSP will now completly delete the folder misc and all of its contents to avoid that this folder is beeing left over because of automatically generated files (like thumbs.db)
  • SETUP: Setup will now also create a "normal" start link directly below %ProgramFilesX-Setup Pro for users that which to start it from there
  • SETUP: The setup program will no longer automatically register XSP to the registry if running on XP or upwards
  • PLUGINS: All Internet Explorer plugins have been moved into the new folder "Internet Explorer 6" to be prepared for version 7
  • SETTINGS: XSP can now be put into "Portable mode" by using the flag file Flag_PortableMode.cfg
  • this will change the display inside "Welcome to XSP"
  • SETTINGS: If Flag_PortableMode.cfg is found, XSP behaves as if also Flag_AuxiliaryHere.cfg and Flag_ConfigHere.cfg were found
  • MISC: All application manifest files do now have a dependency to xqdcXSPRegFreeCOM
  • CONFIG: A new category has been created "System Properties" that lists several of the now read-only properties of XSP, for example all paths XSP is using
  • MISC: Created xqdcXSPCleanupCheck.exe which will wait until XSP has shut down and then remove any left over temporary files
  • MISC: The new read me file "readme-Portable-EN.txt" has been created, explaining how to install XSP on an USB device
  • START: Start.exe is now much more "intelligent" and does no longer try to remove the folders "." and ".." inside the TranslationTempDir folder
  • CLNCHK: CleanupCheck does now use a Mutex to prevent that it is running several times
  • CLNCHK: If CleanupCheck is started interactive, it does no longer closes itself but will instead be visible and stay open
  • CLNCHK: CleanupCheck does will now respect the user-selected font (settings)
  • MISC: The cache file location will now also be retrieved from settings
  • ENGINE: Created new COM object "SimpleTest" to allow start.exe a better test
  • START: Start.exe will now check if the Windows version is at least Windows XP if configured for portable mode
  • START: Start.exe will now check if the path where the engine is loaded from is the same as the path where start is started to avoid conflicts with portable mode versus locally installed X-Setup Pro versions
  • SETUP: The file generation for X-Setup Pro Portable (plain USB Sticks) is now fully automated using Info-ZIP
  • SETUP: The file generation for X-Setup Pro Portable for U3 smart drives is now fully automated using Info-ZIP
  • CONFIG: When double-clicking on an entry inside "System Properties" and this entry is a path, XSP will open it using Explorer to make it easier for the user to view which files are in these folders
  • EXEC: XSP Wizards has been deleted
  • ITEMS: All *.xpwz files have been deleted
  • CONFIG: Config had incorrectly an manifest file linked which resulted in errors in Vista
  • MISC: Updated the VCL runtime components (vcl, rtl) to the newest service pack level
  • SETTINGS: XSP will now also save the Windows Desktop size to WindowLocations to avoid that XSP restores a window out of the desktop area
  • START: Start should now directly be visible when started and not minimized for two seconds
  • SETUP: Changed the uninstall warning to note that users should use the restore log to reverse their changes
  • SETUP: Setup will now delete the xqdcXSPWizards.exe file upon installation
  • SETUP: Setup will now delete all wizard files (*.xpwz) upon installation
  • SETUP: All registry settings for wizards are now also deleted upon installation
  • SETUP: The *.reg files inside the misc folder will now also be deleted since there are of no use anymore
  • SETUP: When XSP detect the folder ackup or logs from a previous version, it will copy the contents to the data folder and removes the old folders after that
  • SETUP: Setup will now automatically migrate most customized settings inside XSP to the new settings.ini (the registry folder is removed after that)
  • SETUP: Setup will automatically migrate the External Programs list to the new format and delete the registry path after that
  • SETUP: Setup will automatically migrate the Favorites list to the new format and delete the registry path after that
  • PLUGINS: Changed *ALL* plugins to be now correctly tagged with adminreq=1 or adminreq=0
  • UI: Changed message when no plugins are found so the user is not told to change a configuration that isn't changable
  • PLUGINS: Deleted and regrouped a lot of plugins that mixed HKLM with HKCU settings
  • SETTINGS: If a favorite is already inside the list and the user tries to add it again, an error message will appear (thanks Manfred!)
  • CLNCHK: Enabled localization in case a user wants to start the application manually
  • RESTORE: Changed the internal version of Restore Log to "V2"
  • RESTORE: Old files from the restore log are no longer automatically deleted when a new restore log item is added
  • RESTORE: The internal date/time stamp for each restore log item does now also include milliseconds
  • RESTORE: Merged the main restore log objects (Recorder and Player) into one object
  • RESTORE: The restore log will not save the given restore log items into different files, depending if the plugin is tagged with "RequireAdminRights" or not
  • RESTORE: If reading a restore log file failes an error message will be displayed, instead of silently ignoring the error
  • RESTORE: The file extension of the *.XSPRLA will now also be lowercase, as the *.XSPRL files are
  • ENGINE: The FileBackup() function will now save backup files to the restore log system folder
  • ENGINE: A script that uses XSP using RegisterExternalAccess() will save the changes it makes automatically to the restore log system folder - SETUP: Setup will no longer remove the data folder created inside the user and alluser folders to make sure the restore log will even survive removing XSP using Add/Remove Software
  • MISC: Changed all assembly names inside the *.manifest files to the short name xqdcXSP to make sure that Vista doesn't read this and thinks X-Setup Pro is a setup application
  • MISC: To make sure that in Vista no red UAC prompt appears, all files with an PE header are now digitally signed
  • ENGINE: As XSP does now use more folder than only its own base path, all security checks if a plugin access a file of XSP do now call a single central function
  • MISC: Changed the default font probing in case of a new installation of XSP. XSP will first try to use "Segoe UI" (Vista/Office 2007), then Tahoma (Windows XP/Office 2000) and then the plain-old "MS Sans Serif"
  • MISC: Removed all *.local files since they are no longer recommended by Microsoft
  • SETUP: Setup will now remove all *.local files in case an update installation is done
  • RUNTIME: If there is any problem with the use of IWindowLocation (save or restore the position and size of an XSP window) a detailed error message will appear
  • UI: Removed the strange 2 pixel bottom border inside the tree view
  • SETUP: XSP will now appear inside "Set your default programs" list of Vista
  • SETUP: Updated InnoSetup to 5.1.8 to fix some minor installtion problems
  • WELCOME: All required buttons do now have the Vista shield icon displayed
  • WELCOME: Added an option to keep the window open or not
  • the CTRL+CLICK hack has been removed
  • ENGINE: If a program should be executed by XSP and the user does not accept the appearing UAC prompt, no error message is displayed (as defined in "UAC Best Practice" by Microsoft)
  • SETUP: Setup will now patch the %AllUserAppData%X-Setup folder to grant Build-In Users modify permission. According to the SDK all users should have write permission there but this is not true for Vista RC1
  • ENGINE: Selecting a folder from a plugin will now show the current selection inside the dialog itself so a user always knows what he has selected
  • START: Start will now verfiy that XSP is allowed to write to its settings file and issue an error if this check fails
  • MISC: All external programs XSP lists by default have been checked to be working on Vista
  • CONFIG: The items listed in system properties can now be translated
  • UI: Loading a plugin will now always trigger a wait cursor
  • SETTINGS: If the file cfgFlag_ItemsHere.cfg is found, the plugins will be read directly from the base path of XSP instead of the ALLUSERS path
  • SETUP: Setup will migrate the contents of the items folder to the new ALLUSERSX-Setup Proitems folder automatically and delete the folder if its empty
  • RESTORE: "Restore Log Player" has been renamed to X-Setup Pro Restore Log
  • RESTORE: Shortened the text a lot to make the program easier to use. The missing description has been moved to help
  • SETTINGS: Resorted the list of external programs to be better grouped and added some Vista only tools
  • UI: File description updated to be "X-Setup Pro Classic" as the UAC dialog uses this information
  • MISC: Changed the default startup parameter from /DO_START to /START since this should be better understandable by all users
  • MISC: Removed the first article from the README since most people will know what XSP is when they have downloaded it
  • MISC: Removed the Windows 9x/ME/NT part of the REAMDE-EN.txt file and moved it to the forum
  • UPDATE: If in advanced view and updates have been installed the description field will now be cleared
  • ENGINE: Added attribute "restorelog" so a plugin can require an administrator user to be using XSP but still save the restore log data to the user log
  • PLUGINS: Changed all plugins that patch HKCUSoftwarePolicies to have the attributes AdminReq=1 and RestoreLog=Usr set
  • UI: Displaying the log file from Classic UI does now longer show a windows without title bar
  • SETUP: During setup creation, a ZIP version of each EXE file is generated which makes it easier to deploy new setup versions
  • SETUP: The newly generated ZIP files will now also have the matching language version of readme.txt added
  • START: A new check (B3) has been added which will check if the file GDIPlus.dll is available
  • MISC: Added section for the new B3 check and also created a thread on x-setup.net/forum to explain how to install GDIPLus.dll
  • SETTINGS: Executor can now launch Classic in either User or Admin mode
  • START: Added xqdcXSPUILaunchAdmin.exe that will be used to force Classic Mode to be started as Administrator
  • UPDATE: Renamed "Select all items" to "Select new & updated items" to make it clear what this function does
  • UI: New icon set for all menu and toolbar icons
  • UI: Manage favorites and Manage programs have now a different icon
  • UI: New set of icons for the items inside the tree view
  • UI: Change location of some toolbar buttons
  • UI: Droped the tree view 16 color icons
  • UI: Added border for tree view again
  • UI: Reused the old menu component again and trashed the new "Office Style"
  • MISC: The old parameter to start Classic UI ("/LAUNCH_CLASSIC_UI") is now mapped to starting Classic UI in admin mode
  • UI: Fixed spacing of description field
  • UI: Fixed inline filter spacing
  • UI: Fixed inner spacing of description field
  • UI: Added icons for menu if items are inactive
  • UI: Reg Load User / Reg Load Machine are now disabled if User mode is activated
  • ENGINE: The restore log location can now be quered using IPlugin -> RestoreLogLocationSystem
  • INFO: Item Information does now list the Restore Log Location
  • INFO: Fixed description flags alignment
  • START: Added "Classic in User mode" to shortcut creation window
  • FIX: Setup.exe files that were added automatically to an ZIP file during setup creation had no digital signature

Program Information

Tools and Utilities

Works on:

Product page: here

Download: X-Setup Pro 9.0.100

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