Blender 2.44

Posted on Tuesday, May 15 2007 @ 11:34 CEST by

  • Sculpt and Multires
    The previous release was the first Blender version to offer 3d sculpt and multi-res. Based on welcome feedback and reporting, a lot of bug fixes and improvements were added.
  • Python Scripts and API
    There have been a large number of script additions and script updates, as well as API improvements since the last release.
  • New Modifiers
    Two new modifiers are available now; "Smooth" and "Cast".
  • 64 bits migration notes
    Blender had been ported to 64 bits Dec Alpha in 1998 already, but since 2002 its 64 bits compliancy has been gathering dust mostly. Time for a cleanup!
  • Subsurface Scattering
    Subsurface scattering is a new material option to render materials like skin, marble or milk. For these materials light scatters under the surface and leaves at another position. This leads to a softer appearance, as light is blurred out over the surface.
  • New Composite Nodes
    Two new Composite nodes had been added, that can be accessed by the Add > Color menu, expanding further the possibilities of the Composite node editor.
  • Character Animation
    The Action and NLA editors have now better control over visible channels. A new constraint was added, and a "preview range" option was added.
  • Physics Engine
    The Bullet physics engine has had some changes which should give better reproducibility and precision/quality for physics simulations.
  • Mesh primitives update
    The mesh primitives have been revisited, improving their usability and pushing them a little beyond their previous state.
  • More features and fixes
    Plenty of smaller features made it into this release.

Program Information


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Product page: here

Download: Blender 2.44

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