Sunday News Part 2

Posted on Sunday, November 24 2002 @ 6:05 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck

Review : Samsung Syncmaster 181T
Today we look at the Syncmaster 181t from Samsung, yet another step towards their digital vision and yet again we see some superb quality on the table. The Samsung name is starting to become synonymous with TFT LCD monitors; continuously building on better and better technology and in turn offering consumers higher quality at lower prices, keeping consumers happy, reviewers busy and pushes the Samsung name further and further towards the top.
The LCD screen

Review Link : Monkey Review

Review : Cooler Master Alloy Front Bezel
As you all know, aluminum cases are all the hype nowadays. The only thing holding so many modified cases back from being true beauties, are those pesky multimedia drive faceplates that rarely diverge from the ugly beige cliché. Well, Cooler Master has decided to take action and expand upon dreadful drive bezels with their latest case accessory, the Alloy Front Bezel for 5.25" multimedia drive bezel.

Review Link : OC Warehouse

Review : After dark. Black Icemat
The Icemat comes all the way from Denmark, Copenhagen and its not every day a piece of glass gets through the post in the UK, but Icemat I guess was an exception. The After dark, Black Icemat is 1 of 2 from the Icemat range it is especially black to accommodate optical mice which need to have a light signal transmitted back. The first thing we noticed when opening the Icemat's packaging was the reason it gets around the world in such good condition, a layer of polystyrene under another layer of polystyrene (both interlocked into one another) provide a cushion for the Icemat to sit between providing a safe transport method.
The black Icemat

Review Link : World OC

Review : PC Toys 520 watt Power Maxx Aluminum PSU
When the power supply arrived I couldn't wait to get into the package. So I had playafly187 open it for me and let me know what he thought. All he would say is dude this thing is heavy and it looks awesome. I could hardly wait to get home from work to look at it for myself. All I could think was with 520 watts there is no reason why I shouldn't move to a server case and get that Pioneer A05 DVD burner I'd been reading up on. Reality struck at lunchtime when my wife informed me it wasn't about the power supply but about the Benjamins when it came to DVD burners. But I regress. Playafly187 brought the power supply over after I got home from work. When he handed it to me to take a look at it I almost dropped it. I was not expecting it to be that heavy.

Review Link : OCIA

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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