AMD Kaveri A10 briefcase mod caught on tape

Posted on Monday, January 06 2014 @ 12:07 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Legit Reviews visited AMD's Tech Day event in Las Vegas and got to see a pretty cool briefcase computer mod. Created by AMD's Ed Callaway, this system features a watercooled AMD Kaveri A10 APU, Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WiFi motherboard, and 16GB DDR3.
Once they opened up the briefcase I was surprised to see that it was a full blown water cooled system inside the briefcase. At the heart of the system was one of the new AMD Kaveri APU’s, likely one of the new A10?s that is supposedly launching on January 14 according to the internet rumors (because if it’s on the internet it must be true).

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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