MSI P45 Platinum Motherboard Review

Posted on 2008-07-23 23:40:50 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The board was stable throughout testing and performed about on average with other P45 boards we have seen. One cool feature of the board is the GreenPower utility which can save energy when enabled. This is similar in concept to the EPU on ASUS motherboards and the Dynamic Energy Saver on the Gigabyte motherboards. Performance on the board is similar to the ASUS P5Q Deluxe board also on the P45 chipset and that is a good thing. One thing I wish MSI would do was get rid of the OC jumper, but it does give headroom for high overclocking when it works correctly. This board has many features that will appeal to a variety of users and should be satisfactory as the beginning of your Intel P4 system. Not quite an Editor’s Choice motherboard, but a Hot Product indeed.

Link: Motherboards

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