Now Yahoo and No. 3 search engine MSN are about to launch their long-awaited Google counterattack. In May, Yahoo will roll out a revamped technology foundation, including a more robust system of servers and software, followed later this year with improved ways to manage and rank ads. Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT ) MSN, meanwhile, will go public with its first search-advertising network, dubbed adCenter, in early May. Both efforts offer a peek into the hidden half of the search wars: While Yahoo and MSN may not be able to keep pace with Google's popularity among users, they hope at least to blunt its lead in revenues per search.Read on over here.
Yahoo's and MSN's counter-attack on Google
Posted on Tuesday, May 02 2006 @ 6:12 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
BusinessWeek published an article on how MSN and Yahoo are trying to keep up with Google: