The international phone-calling service, which has signed up 100 million users is adding 200,000 new users a day, said on Tuesday it is previewing a shared communications service called "Skypecasts" along with an upgrade of its core Skype software.The service is moderated by a host who is able to pass the virtual microphone to participants in the group when they wish to say something. He can also silence or eject them. More info over here.
Skypecasts are live, moderated discussions that allow groups of Skype users anywhere in the world to discuss shared interests, from classes to computer support to cultural or political debates. They amount to the conversational equivalent of Web blogs, complementing the written interactions of blogs.
Skype presents Skypecasts
Posted on Wednesday, May 03 2006 @ 19:51 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck