The processors, formerly codenamed Dothan, are based on the company's 90-nanometer manufacturing process. Intel claims that process results in smaller, faster transistors. All three chips feature 2 Mb of onboard cache, compared to 1 Mb on the older Pentium M processors and support 600 MHz front-side bus speed..Source: EE Times
The 755 processor operates at 2 GHz, the 745 operates at 1.8 GHz and the 735 operates at 1.7 GHz. The roll-out occurred exactly a year after the initial launch of Intel's Centrino campaign to spur adoption of its mobile processors.
Intel claims that there are currently 150 different models of laptops that use the older Pentium M technology.
Intel launches three new Dothan Pentium M processors
Posted on Wednesday, May 12 2004 @ 0:22 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Intel has launched three Dothan Pentium M mobile processors.