If you thought smooth tracking optical sensors were an advancement over mechanical ball-based mice, let us introduce you to the mouse that takes precision and performance to a whole new level: the Logitech® MX™1000 Laser Cordless Mouse, the world's first laser mouse.
Now optical is obsolete. And your computing experience will never be the same.
Featuring the Logitech MX Laser Engine, the MX1000 delivers a new pinnacle of performance no optical mouse can match. With an incredible 20x more sensitivity to surface detail—or tracking power—than optical, laser can track reliably even on tricky polished or wood-grain surfaces. And the MX1000 offers even more advanced features that will make you more productive and more comfortable:
By revealing significantly greater surface detail than optical mice, the MX1000 laser mouse tracks precise on previously impossible-to-navigate surfaces, such as highly polished or wood-grain surfaces.
In tests on these demanding surfaces, the invisible laser light reveals 20 times greater detail when compared to its LED-based counterparts. The result is the MX1000 Laser Cordless Mouse, a next-generation mouse that harnesses precision laser light to track on surfaces where optical mice falter.
Much more info about the new Laser engine can be found here.