Advanced Micro Devices, the world’s second largest maker of microprocessors, Thursday quietly added a new value microprocessor into its Sempron lineup. The new chip will deliver higher performance compared to existing Sempron products and will solidify AMD’s positions in the entry-level market segment before Intel’s forthcoming announcement of more powerful Intel Celeron D central processing unit.
AMD’s new Sempron processor is rated at 3000+, is clocked at 2.0GHz and pack-in 512KB of L2 cache. A bit slower version of the Sempron chip in PGA462 packaging, AMD Sempron model 2800+, also operates at 2.0GHz, but only integrates 256KB of L2 cache. AMD’s 32-bit chips for Socket A infrastructure with 512KB of level-two cache are typically called as Barton.
More info at X-bit Labs
AMD Quietly Adds New Sempron SKU into Lineup
Posted on Saturday, September 18 2004 @ 0:55 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck