One of the more prominent features of the 8/8/24-8U is it's ability to read DVDs. When plugged into a USB 2.0-compliant port, the drive is capable of 8x speeds - more than enough to maintain smooth playback. Just to be sure, though, we ran a copy of The Ladies Man (how apropos) in both a USB 2.0 system and a platform with USB 1.1 support. With USB 2.0 enabled, the Plextor drive ran the movie without so much as a skipped frame. Even the USB 1.1 platform was able to run the move with relative stability. But, in scenes with lots of motion, the movie would jump around sporadically. If you plan to watch movies with the 8/8/24-8U, make sure you have USB 2.0, as the 12Mbps provided by USB 1.1 is simply not enough bandwidth for smooth video playback
Review : Plextor PleXCombo 8/8/24-8U
Posted on Monday, September 23 2002 @ 5:30 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Hot Hardware has reviewed Plextor's PleXCombo 8/8/24-8U :