DVD Jon finds new way to download DRM-free music from iTunes

Posted on Wednesday, March 23 2005 @ 15:45 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Jon Lech Johansen aka DVD Jon said that he has found a new way to download songs from Apple's iTunes without DRM with his PyMusique interface.

Yesterday Apple tried to fix this problem but the developers of PyMusique already found a work-around. The problem with the service is that Apply only applies the DRM anti-piracy protection after downloading the file. Apple did an effort to prevent this by altering its service so that only the iTunes software can make a connection to the network - but obviously it didn't work. They will need to apply the DRM protection on their servers to make the iTunes service secure.

The developers of the interface - Johansen, Watkins and Brocious - state that it was not their intention to break the DRM anti-piracy protection on the iTunes downloads. They just wanted to find a way for Linux users to buy music from iTunes. They said that their aim wasn't to remove the DRM but that applying DRM in an open source project isn't worth the time it would take to code it.

Source: PC Pro

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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Re: DVD Jon finds new way to download free music from iTunes
by Anonymous on Thursday, March 24 2005 @ 18:07 CET
I hereby moderate you -1 Stupid.

"Download songs from Apple's iTunes for free?" No. This program is an alternative to the official iTunes Music Store client, allowing Linux users to use the iTMS. They still have to buy the music -- Apple's store will never send songs, encrypted or not, unless it knows the user's paid -- the difference is that the downloaded song won't have DRM; but as Johansen said, it's because they didn't think it was worth it to go out of their way to put DRM in an open-souce program. Nobody's getting music for free here.

Re: DVD Jon finds new way to download DRM-free music from iTunes
by Anonymous on Saturday, March 26 2005 @ 22:49 CET