SilverStone Raven RVM01B Mouse Review

Posted on 2008-09-29 17:07:23 by Thomas De Maesschalck

While SilverStone Technology has long been known for their high-end (and very expensive) computer cases such as the Sugo and Temjin series, as of late they've begun manufacturing other computer peripherals while driving new and interesting innovations into these conventional products. Earlier this month we looked at the SilverStone Treasure TS01, which was a 2.5" SATA drive enclosure, but separating it from the other enclosure devices on the market, this one would encrypt the drive and secure it using two RFID keys. If these small keys were not exposed to the TS01, the drive enclosure would not work. Another interesting creation from SilverStone Technology is the Raven RVM01B. This here is SilverStone's first computer mouse and we are looking at it today.

Link: Phoronix

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