The Near Term Future of Intel (with Implications for Apple)

Posted on Saturday, March 11 2006 @ 1:25 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Clearly, Intel has been in a funk lately. AMD has been hitting them so regularly that the old Intel Bunny Men are looking more like punching bags than mascots. At the Intel Developer's Forum (IDF), where Intel talks to those who develop on their platforms, Intel went to a great deal of trouble to create the impression that they are coming back with a vengeance.

Uniquely to this IDF, there are strong implications for what Apple will have in the second half; for the first time in history, there is a promise that we will see the hardware OEMs (including Apple) go at each other with nearly identical technology. In addition, both Apple and Microsoft are expected to have new versions of their operating systems. It will be an interesting year.

You can check it out over at Designtechnica.

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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