Apple wins (and consumers lose) as Samsung ordered to pay $1.05 billion

Posted on Saturday, August 25 2012 @ 13:24 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Samsung is ordered to pay more than $1.05 billion to Apple as a nine-person jury at the federal court in San Jose, California ruled that the South Korean electronics giant willfully infringed on six out of the seven Apple mobile design and user interface patents that were the subject of the case.

The jurors found that Samsung violated the design patent for the front of the iPhone and a patent regarding the general outline or "ornamental" design of a phone. Samsung was also found the violate several user interface patents, including showing rounded square icons against a black background, the use of a rubber band effect (which occurs when the bottom of the page is reached while scrolling), as well as pinch-to-zoom, and double tapping to zoom. A device scorecard that shows which Samsung devices infringe on these Apple patents can be found at CNET.

Samsung's counter-claims that Apple's devices infringed on its patents were wiped off the table, and efforts to nullify Apple's patents did not succeed. The ruling is a major victory for Apple in the company's war against Samsung and the Android ecosystem, the company applauded the decision and said it intends to seek sales injuctions at the follow-up hearing on September 20.

Samsung announced it will appeal the decision and send out a press release in which it calls the verdict a loss for the consumer, claiming it will lead to fewer choices, less innovation and potentially higher prices.

I agree with this and strongly believe the US patent systems needs an overhaul. It's sad to see companies being able to patent broad, vague and ubiquitous things like a "rectangle-shaped device". Less money for the legal department and more for the innovators please.

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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Re: Apple wins (and consumers lose) as Samsung ordered to pay $1.05 billion
by Anonymous on Sunday, August 26 2012 @ 0:57 CEST
A sad day for all.

I believe Apple is the most soul-less, greedy and unjustifiably litigious company the world has ever seen.

Samsung makes better products that actually work, and sells them for less.

Only brainwashed Apple 'sheeple' would take Apples side in this case, but given the venue (San Jose) what else would you expect.

A big loss for the average consumer for sure.