Doom 3 Alpha leaked by ATI?

Posted on Monday, November 04 2002 @ 11:01 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Well there are going a lot of rumours around about the leaked Doom 3 Alpha, one of the rumours is that the leak was caused by ATI.

John Carmack has placed a comment on Slashdot about the leak , read it here, he claims that the alpha was not leaked on purpose, and that it will have some impact on how they will deal with some companies in the future...

A legal Doom II screenshot <img src='' alt='' align='absmiddle' BORDER=0> And another Doom III shottie

One of the rumours is that the leak was caused by ATI,
Hit 'Read More' to read a chatsession (which comes from a French website) with Xian (Christian Antkow)...

Xian> ATI leaked it
Xian> John sent them a flame mail yesterday basically saying "This has hurt our relationship"
Xian> yeah, well, ATI has clearly violated our NDA
Xian> ATI is on our shitlist right now
Xian> we are not dealing with them until further notice
Xian> We know ATI leaked it. We watermark all releases
Xian> Squiggle: ATI has a relaxed policy about pre-release software. Remember, they gave us a laptop that had Unreal Warfare loaded on it 3 months ago
Xian> They don't seem to care about strict enforcement of NDA's
Xian> on a positive note, people seem to *REALLY LIKE* the leaked shit
Well , time will point out if it's true...

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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Re: Doom 3 Alpha leaked by ATI?
by Anonymous on Saturday, March 29 2003 @ 11:46 CET
You can download this demo at

  • Reply by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24 2003 @ 11:37 CEST

    Why doesn't the link want to work? you sure it's supposed to. i've been looking for the leak cuz i wanna play it. though im on 56k, my friend has the seven "e" sweet speed (sweeeeeeet speed) and he can dl it as soon as i can tell him wehre to get it. give me a good link now.