ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails Review

Posted on 2005-12-18 22:36:34 by LSDsmurf

The ATV Offroad series comes to PSP and makes an extremely good first impression with both realistic graphics, and a full load of tracks and challenges to keep anyone who is a fan of offroad racing on their toes for hours. This game is quite effective in using the sheer power that the PSP packs in its hardware. The bikes, tracks, and riders are all animated to be equal or better then what it would look on PS2 in its both sharpness and fluidity. At first glance, this game may look like a regular racing game, but as you start off on the first course, you will find that it is completely unrelenting for inexperienced racers. The game does not really give you any margin for error; you will be punished for any jumps that are taken too fast or slow because you will land in a bad position.

Link: Bytesector

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