Mad Dog Multimedia 37-inch UV SATA Cable Review

Posted on 2006-02-15 16:26:11 by LSDsmurf

S-ATA's small transfer cable has caught the attention of modders because they are more flexible and allow users to easily route the cable throughout their cases. Up until recently there really weren’t a lot of modded SATA cables, and we were stuck with the standard red or black cables that came with our motherboards. These OEM SATA cables are generally very short, at around 15 inches, which prevents a lot of clever cable routing even in smaller cases. Serial ATA cables are begging to be routed, as they are so thin they can easily fit behind case components and can be tucked away without being seen, leaving one’s case looking so much neater.

Link: OC ModShop

Mad Dog Multimedia 37-inch UV SATA Cable

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