Connectland/Brando USB Mini Vacuum Review

Posted on 2006-07-25 03:38:58 by LSDsmurf

Most people use their USB ports for transferring pictures from their camera or transferring data from and to a USB thumb drive, but there are other uses for the USB port. Did you know that the USB port can essentially act as an electrical outlet, albeit very low voltage, but power nonetheless. Today for review I have a cool little product today for review that utilizes that power and comes in very handy at times, it is the Connectland/Brando USB Mini Vacuum with Retractable Cord. The USB Mini Vacuum even features an LED light so you can get a good look at the dirt and a 'turbo' switch for those really big messes. Read on to learn more about this handy little product...

Link: Dragonsteelmods

Connectland/Brando USB Mini Vacuum

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