Freespire Beta 1 Review

Posted on 2006-07-25 03:40:46 by LSDsmurf

The people behind Lindows, and now known as Linspire, have come out with a free community project they have called Freespire. Freespire Beta 1 Build 0.0.69 as they call it is the first operating system with the freedom of choice. Trying it out first hand at Phoronix, it certainly is NOT a GNU/Linux distribution to try if you have any level of computer literacy. It continues to almost be a clone of Linspire, and even bundles its CNR (Click n Run) software in there, as well as bundling proprietary codecs and drivers. For any enthusiast, this is a distribution we would recommend you steer clear of if you have any level of sanity.

Link: Phoronix

Freespire Beta 1

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