Brando USB Bluetooth Chip (Ultra-slim) Review

Posted on 2006-07-31 11:40:03 by LSDsmurf

One thing I've always loved about technology is that as it advances things just seem to get smaller and smaller. Take cellphones for example, remember the first cellphones? They were carried in briefcase like cases that weighed upwards of 30lbs, this was supposed to be portable, now cellphones weigh in at grams instead of pounds or kilograms. Today for review I have a Bluetooth USB dongle that is so tiny, and thin that you could carry it in your wallet if you wanted to, it is called the USB Bluetooth Chip and it was provided by Brando Workshop for review today. Read on to learn my thoughts and experiences of it...

Link: DragonSteelMods

Brando USB Bluetooth Chip (Ultra-slim)

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