Roboraptor Review

Posted on 2006-10-27 14:14:28 by LSDsmurf

Toys... I love them, who doesn't right? I'll be the first to admit that I'm just a big kid. All of us have toys of some sort or another, but as we get older our toys change a bit, they become more complex, and more expensive! There are toys out there that are aimed at children but adults can appreciate and enjoy as well, at least us geeky adults can anyway! Today for review I have one such toy, it is categorized as a toy but it is more of a consumer electronic than an actual toy. It is the Roboraptor from WowWee, and yeah it's a toy, but it's one really cool toy that everyone in my family (even my wife!) loves. The Roboraptor has a sort of AI built into it, and it can actually interact with the environment and people around it, it is just plain cool.. Read on to check it out...

Link: DSM


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