Netgear Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter Review

Posted on 2006-11-24 12:29:08 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Netgear's Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter's simplicity is unbeatable, and it's a great way to get faster, more reliable, convenient and uncomplicated network connections throughout your home or office, in order to support a growing number of applications like online gaming, audio distribution and HD video streaming, all of which require copious bandwidth. For simple, reliable, high-speed connectivity, Netgear's Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter is a must for any modern home. The only issue you may wish to consider is that the adapter won't work with a power strip, extension cord, or surge protector, as these may prevent the adapter from working properly or degrade the network performance. It's also not an entirely wireless solution.

Link: BIOS Mag

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