Nintendo Wii Review

Posted on 2006-12-22 19:37:58 by Thomas De Maesschalck

How opinions can change over the course of a year... As 2006 began, there was very little of a positive note being said about Nintendo's plans to enter the next-generation console market, with the Revolution (as it was known at the time) looking under-powered and decidedly unspectacular when its specification was put up against the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that the console would be cometing against. Then came the announcement of the Revolution's official name - The Wii. Oh, how we howled with laughter and cracked endless jokes at the expense of this hapless choice of name. The predictions of Nintendo's demise only grew in strength, with many expecting Nintendo to follow Sega's path, dropping out of the console market to focus simply on the creation of games for other platforms.

Link: Elite Bastards

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