USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer from USBGeek Review

Posted on 2007-02-07 13:22:13 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Do you work long hours in front of your computer? I do, I start the morning in front of it, and usually till the end of the day as well... I always have my pot of coffee in the morning and some sort of beverage throughout the day, but wh en I get busy my coffee gets cold or my other beverage of choice will get warm, what's a person to do? Get the gadget I have for review today that what! We've seen the USB powered beverage coolers, but how about a warmer and cooler all in one? USBGeek sen me their USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer for review, and it's one of those gadgets that you could live without but why? Read on to check it out...

Link: DSM

USB Beverage Cup Cooler and Warmer from USBGeek

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