Spire Rocketeer VI 600w SLI Series Power Supply Review

Posted on 2007-02-14 19:36:50 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Spire has been making various computer products since 1991. Like most companies, they worked to find their identity and invest in their name by working their hardest to improve upon what they had. First generation products are typically the most courageous and the deciding factors as to the direction a company will go there after. Today, we are getting a glimpse to the new side of Spire. If you've been reading any of the power supply reviews around the web or in the latest magazines, then chances are that you've seen power supplies climbing in to the 1000+ Watt ranges. That kind of power can do more for much larger number of components if you need that sort of support. Most computer users don't need anything close to that kind of power output because they don't have more than 10 or more drives.

Link: Virtual Hideout

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