foneGEAR's Mini Blu Bluetooth Headset Review

Posted on 2007-04-24 18:44:51 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Today we look at foneGEAR's lightest Bluetooth headset for mobile devices, the Mini Blue. See just how well it performs in the real world and if this "Mighty Mouse" of headsets can hang with the big dogs. Read on to find out what exactly you do and don't get for under $50.

quote: "The Mini Blu is not exactly going to turn heads when you walk down the street, nor will it get you to the front of the line at your favorite club in Miami.then again, you aren't walking around with a phone booth on your shoulders either. However, foneGear has produced a very nice looking Bluetooth headset that is designed for people who want something small and functional."

Link: Legit reviews

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