Icy Dock MB448UR: 2.5'' IDE Removable Hard Drive Rack. Review

Posted on 2007-05-02 12:20:21 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Imagine if your laptop suddenly died due to an overheated processor or a burned out motherboard or a broken AC adapter. What are you going to do with all that precious data on the hard drive? Well, the first thing you'll probably do is panic. Then, maybe you'll kick yourself, and maybe even swear some profanity to the laptop maker. And all because you're not doing a routine backup of your data. Okay, after all that panic and all that anger is released, it's time to find a solution to retrieve your valuable data. One solution would be to take your laptop to data recovery professionals and have them charge you an insane amount of money just to retrieve your data. Or you can just buy a laptop hard drive converter which allows you to read the hard drive data on your desktop either via the USB or IDE. Well, that's exactly what the ICY Dock's MB448UR comes to play.

Link: Bjorn3d

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