Ultra X3 1000w Review

Posted on 2007-07-13 14:05:16 by Thomas De Maesschalck

In the past we have reviewed just a few Ultra power supplies and while we have actually tested quite a few, not all survived long enough on the test bed. Unfortunately more than one of their flashy power supplies have failed to live long enough for us to actually put a review together. This is highly unusual and this kind of reliability is not something anyone would wish to associate with a power supply. While we have found some models to be very poor, others have been excellent and we believe this is because not all Ultra power supplies are made equally, at least not all models.

The Ultra X3 1000w power supply has been nothing short of impressive! When it came time to test this unit we were very meticulous, testing a number of different configurations as we have had trouble with Ultra power supplies in the past. The X3 1000w never broke a sweat, as it appeared to effortlessly handle everything we threw at it. Although our power supply testing methodology may not be the most scientific, we do try to go above and beyond what most users would typically demand out of a power supply.

Link: legion hardware

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