Coolermaster M520 Powersupply Review

Posted on 2007-09-27 12:47:36 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The Coolermaster M520 is another powersupply that reaches the 80% efficiency range. There is not a lot of difference from this powersupply to any other powersupply out there, because all modern powersupplies nowadays reached a certain standard. You won't find many crappy powersupplies out there anymore. The Coolermaster M520 looks superb and it's quiet too. The results measured with my computer are rock stable, dead on, the results you want when you are building a computer. Overall this is another great powersupply, available in many different wattages. The modular cable system is a proven concept, it works great and it makes the internal looks a lot better.

Link: BurnoutPC

Coolermaster M520 Powersupply

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