Halo 3 Review

Posted on 2007-09-30 18:51:31 by Thomas De Maesschalck

So, is Halo 3 the best game ever? No, I don't think so, but it is bloody good. The most obvious comparison will be to last month's BioShock, but that is somewhat unfair. BioShock is a single player only game, which means that far more development time could be spent on the graphics and presentation. It's also worth remembering that Halo 3 couldn't really break new ground in the single player campaign, since Bungie had to think about the continuity with the previous two titles - BioShock was under no such constraints. One thing's for sure though, I haven't enjoyed playing any Xbox 360 game more than Halo 3, whether in single or multiplayer mode, and that just about says it all.

Link: Bit Tech

Halo 3

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