EVGA GeForce 8800GT SSC Edition Review

Posted on 2007-10-29 15:35:41 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Wow, a major price drop and a card that flies's through games without a hiccup, what's there to lose? Overall there is nothing to complain about with EVGA's 8800GT SSC Edition card, and actually quite a lot to be happy with. Being a single slot solution with only one power connection is great in my book, less space, and less power requirements is all around a good thing. With HD and Blu-Ray fighting over the format war of next generation video, NVIDIA's 8 Series of cards are well prepared to handle the task of supporting both of these formats. NVIDIA's Pure Video handles most of the video processing, which offsets the power requirements of the CPU to handle other tasks, and essentially making everything run smoother.

Link: Motherboards

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