Assassins Creed Review

Posted on 2007-11-20 18:32:00 by Thomas De Maesschalck

It all started with RPGs. Sword wielding, dragon slaying dungeon crawlers where players got to save the land over and over again. Then with advances in technology these fantasy expeditions slowly crawled from underground to the vast expanses of the top-side world. With trends moving farther away from fantasy with each passing year it was only a matter of time before this free-roaming concept was taken to a new, more popular environment. The result? Grand Theft Auto was born! Freed from the shackles of earning experience and leveling up, the game became a smash hit. It seems however that things run in cycles here, so the latest GTA (San Andreas) had us earning experience again (in a way) and building up our character with various skills/statistics. Stick the thing into a medieval environment and you have a pretty natural follow up to the classic RPGs of decades past. And voila, this is exactly what Assassins Creed aims to do!

Link: Driverheaven

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