Company Of Heroes Opposing Fronts Review

Posted on 2007-11-30 15:00:52 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Ah, the expansion pack. Time was, you would rush out to your local game emporium to pick up an extra chunk of your favourite game, only to find you'd bought a couple of poorly-executed extra missions and a single new character/weapon/background texture. Thankfully, these days we ask for a little bit more for our hard-earned cash. Relic have been excelling themselves of late, not only producing varied expansion packs for Dawn of War, but also making them stand-alone so that any gamer new to the series can get stuck in, without having to shell out for the original. So, how does Company of Heroes:Opposing Fronts (or COH:OF as I shall lazily call it) stack up?

Link: Driverheaven

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