Intel SkullTrail Platform Review

Posted on 2008-02-05 21:55:55 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Intel really has been firing up their engines at full speed and the new SkullTrail takes the multiplatform system to new levels. This is the first anything and everthing platform as it has all the power that worstation class users need, and all the thrills and features that gamers and enthsiasts covet for their personal PC. This is the only Intel platform that integrates NVIDIA's SLI technology and on a board that supports CrossFire as well. There is more to this system than we even got to in this review, but so far this system has been the fastest and most feature oriented one we have seen yet. Truly Intel has been doing their homework and the overclocker audience once shunned and ignored is now embraced in the boldest move by the boys in blue yet. Check out the cool SkullTrail case we modded from a CoolerMaster Stacker 830, its sweet!

Link: Motherboards

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