Sumo Omni Plus beanbag chair Review

Posted on 2008-09-17 19:14:47 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Icrontic is pleased to share their review of the Sumo Omni Plus beanbag chair. Sumo has been making waves in the gaming and tech enthusiast community with their support for events around the world, and today Icrontic has reviewed their plushest basic bag yet, the Omni Plus.

"Our room is too small for two Sacs (even the smallest ones), and the only downside of the Omni is that it doesn't breathe well, and it tends to "deflate" a little after a while ... Wasn't there anything in between these two? A bag with the size, support, and configurability of the Omni, and the awesome filling and microfiber covering of the Sac? Sumo heard the call. Behold the Omni PLUS!"

Link: Icrontic

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