Canon S400 Review

Posted on 2004-10-12 19:14:11 by LSDsmurf

Ever wondered how many digital ELPHs variants - or Canon digital IXUS as they are known outside the US - there are available today? I have to admit I lost count somewhere along the way, but I believe there must be over a dozen different models by now. Starting with the conventional film ELPH and APS variants of several years ago, Canon have moved on to release their fourth generation in the Digital ELPH series. One thing they all have in common is that they are built like a tank, full of features and small enough to take with you on all your travels. The Canon Powershot S400 Digital ELPH discussed here is no different in that respect. In the process of making the ELPH series even smaller, Canon have had to switch from using Compact Flash cards to SD memory cards in their latest models. The Canon S400 still uses the widely available Compact Flash card though.

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